How To Read Your Bible & Get More Out Of It

Is one of your 2016 goals to read your bible more? You know its important but can't seem to find the time or develop the habit of daily reading. You're not alone. I talk to people all the time who desire to spend time reading God's word but for one reason or another can't make it happen. 

Not a Christian, I still commend reading the Bible to you. No other book has had such an impact upon the world. Its impact can not be overstated nor can the help it offers to every area of your life. Whether its your business, marriage, relationships or any other area of your life, the Bible offers you timeless help. 

But exactly how do you start? The Bible is after all quite large. Knowing where to begin and how to proceed can be confusing. 

In this post, I would like to share with you how I read the Bible. The tips I share aren't the only way to do it, but have served me well for sometime and therefore I commend them to you.

Set a time and a place

Over the years I have learned the hard lesson that what gets scheduled gets done and what doesn't get scheduled consequently doesn't get done. Create an appointment with yourself on your calendar for Bible reading and just like any other appointment establish a meeting place. These two steps are the foundation for developing a habit of Bible reading and will go a long way to helping it stick. 

Personally, I like to read the Bible first thing in the morning before my day has the opportunity to distract me. And just about every morning I read in the same place, my office. I am easily distracted so this is a nice quiet place I can shut the door and spend time in God's word before starting my day. 

Create a plan

Ok, so you've set a time and a place to read, but what will you actually read. Are you banking on the old flip and point method? I've used that one myself in the past, but have since come to find that like most areas of life a little planning ahead goes a long long way. 
Do you want to read a particular book of the Bible, a specific topic or do you want to read through the entire Bible in a year? Once you know what you want select a plan to guide you. It is great to create time and space in your schedule but you must have a plan for what you will do with this time. 
For daily Bible reading, I have found Join The Journey to be a great and helpful tool. If you're looking for a place to start, I'd reccomend giving it a look. There are also several other plans availible online for you to download and follow. Tim Challies has a list of several reading plans; Justin Taylor also has yet more options for you.  

Read with pen in hand

Just as I have reccomended reading other books with a pen in hand, it goes double for the Bible. The whole point of reading the Bible is to interact with what it says and have it inform your thoughts and ways. I can think of no better way to do this than to physically or electronicly mark up the text. Underline verses that stick out, circle paragraphs that you find especially impactful, and write notes in the margins.  
I do the majority of my Bible reading using the Olive Tree Bible Study App. I love this app for several reasons among which is the ability to highlight verses in different colors. This past year a good friend of mine encouraged me to use more than one color and I soon adopted the highlighting guide, below: 
Purple = Promises
Green = Commands
Yellow = Noteworthy
Pink = Things to avoid or guard against
Blue = Things of heaven or to imitate

You might benefit from using different colors or writing in the margins but whatever method you choose you will benefit greatly from interacting with the word of God and seeking to understand it more deeply. Track God's ideas after Him and see how it changes you in 2016. 

Capture what you're learning

It does you little good to read, and learn if you don't have some sort of a system to help you capture what you're learning. I don't know about you but I can't remember everything and need a little help from time to time. This is where a great note keeping app like Evernote or One Note can come in handy. Write down what you're learning. This archive of learning helps you retain far more of what you read. 

This is perhaps my favorite feature of the Olive Tree Bible Study App. It allows me to create and pin notes to particular verses. This is super helpful! If I'm reading and something stands out I can not only highlight it but pin a note to the verse about what I read, how it impacted me and have that note with me wherever I go. Whether you use an app like Evernote, OneNote or Olive Tree or simply a spiral notebook, figure out a way to capture what you are learning and reference it often. 

Involve other people

Just like a work out partner can come in handy at the gym, a group of people can come in handy with reading your Bible. They can encourage and hold you accountable and help you process what you are reading. When you know other people care and are going to check in with you, you tend to follow through more often. 

What does this look like for me? Well first and foremost, my wife is a huge encourager and helps me stay on track with reading God's word. We also have great conversations about what we each are studying throughout the week. I also talk reguarly with family and friends about what we are reading and how it is shaping us. 

You don't have to be married to involve others in your study of God's word. All you need is a few trusted people in your life that you can talk to and process with. Tell your friends what you are learning, discuss it with them and ask them to hold you accountable throughout the year. 

It is my hope that these quick tips are helpful as you seek to read your Bible this year and that doing so absolutely transforms your life. 

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

Like you, I'm looking forward to 2016 with great excitement and anticipation.

The primary issue, however, isn't whether we've set goals. The primary issue is how we will accomplish them.

I wrote a few posts that I hope will help you. These are included at the conclusion of this post. In this one, I reveal the tip that helps me get more done than I thought I could. I hope it is helpful.

I also want to let you know about something I've personally signed up for.

10 Days of Productivity with Tim Challies - practical steps to getting more of the right stuff done.

A little while back Tim wrote a series of blog posts entitled How to Get Things Done that was immensely helpful to me. I can't wait to kick off this 10 day series with Tim in 2016.

You can sign up to for Tim's series here.

If reading is something on your mind as we head into the new year, I put together a few posts to help you create more time to read, select books to read, and get more out of reading.   

Praying you have a fantastic 2016!

Happy New Year!

3 Tips That Help Me Get More Done

In this crazy, mixed up and hurried world we find ourselves, we have endless "to do" lists and dozens of other things going on with family and friends. There is little time to spare and the quick pace has us pulling our hair out because we simply can't get it all done.

The Pareto Principle

You have so much going on that it can be quite overwhelming at times. To make it worse, a lot of what you spend your time doing doesn't add to your bottom line or help you accomplish your goals. With your attention pulled in so many directions it can be hard to keep focused on what truly matters. But how do you break this cycle and cut through the waste so you can focus on the truly important? 

Developing a "Stop Doing" List

Most lead lives full of activity and lacking discipline. "To do" lists are overwhelming and ever growing. They are filled with wasteful activities, "we just have to do", that drain us of energy, steal our time and keep us from chasing truly great opportunities. 

Rule Your Inbox

In meetings, coffee with friends, movies and while driving down the road our phones are constantly alerting us to the next incoming message. So often that incoming message is a new email. We are collectively drowning in email.

One Sure Fire Way to Accomplish More in 2016

As we bring 2015 to a close and stand ready to welcome 2016 with open arms, I want to share one small tip that can help you achieve more next year. 

Don't wait until the calendar changes to start working on your goals.

Get a head start on them now.

The momentum you build these next few days before we turn the page on a new year can propel you into achieving more than you ever thought you could.

We often over estimate what we can accomplish in the short term, but rarely do we realize fully what we can achieve over the long term. 

Go into the new year energized and excited to tackle all you hope to accomplish. And while your at it give yourself a head start while you can.

I started attacking my 2016 reading list this past weekend and have been over joyed to have already completed my first book on the list.

What are your big goals for 2016 and who said you had to wait until then to start working on them? 

I'm Excited to Get After This Gigantic 2016 Reading List

2015 is coming to a close and 2016 stands just over the horizon. What kind of year will it be? How will you change, grow and mature over the course of the next 12 months? I can't wait to reach December 2016 and see all the work the Lord has done in my heart and life, especially what He will do through the reading of good books.

As I have shared before, I am absolutely obsessed with reading, learning and sharing how both are impacting my life with you. Over the past year I have read some great books and while I have shared my top 6 here, I want to spend this time sharing with you what's on my reading list for 2016.

I have planned my reading with in five primary areas, leadership / personal growth, network marketing, spiritual growth, biographies and fiction. I have selected several books for each category that interest me, come highly recommended and those I believe will help me grow.

Through out the year I plan to share the ideas, stories and principles that stick out and are positively impacting my life. While I am itching to get each of these books in my hand, I am especially excited to read the following six. 

The Art of Learning by Josh Waitskin - The title alone had me hooked but Tim Ferriss' review only increased my excitement for reading this one. If you are as crazy about learning as I am, you'll probably want to add this one to your list as well as Josh unpacks how the best performers in the world become the best.

4 Color Personalities for MLM by Tom Schreiter - If you're not in network marketing, this one remains well worth adding to your list. This little gem comes highly recommended as the resource that will help you transform how you share that which you are most passionate about with others in a way that will connect.

Anchorman by Steve Farrar - Handed to me by my father-in-law a few weeks back, I can’t wait to dig in and learn. In this handy resource Steve Farrar discusses topics related to legacy and parenting. I am looking forward to how this book will transform my thinking, challenge my preconceived notions and help me become the man in Christ that I am called to be.

J.I. Packer: An Evangelical Life by Leland Ryken - It would be hard to overstate the impact J.I. Packer has had on modern Christianity. Over the past 60 years, Packer has influenced a generation through his writings and yet remains one of the least known giants of the last half century. Having been profoundly impacted by his book Knowing God several years ago, I am most eager to learn more about one of the greatest theologians of our time.   

For Whom The Bell Tolls by Earnest Hemmingway - For some time now I have found myself interested in the life and writing of Earnest Hemmingway. He seems a larger than life personality who impacted others with his writing and I feel nearly ashamed that I am yet to read one of his books. If I read nothing else in 2016 I will read at least this one book by Hemmingway. 

How To Read A Book by Mortimer Adler - This book has been recommended to me more times that I can count, yet I've never picked it up. Which is strange given that reading is one my absolute favorite things to do. If I am going read, I want to do it well and that's something I hope this book will help me with. 

My Gigantic 2016 Reading List

Here is my current reading list for next year. If you see something that has been of major benefit to you, has shaped your life or don't see something you feel I need to add please let me know by commenting below.

Leadership and Personal Growth

Network Marketing

Spiritual Growth



Merry Christmas

Today we pause to celebrate the greatest event in all history, the birth of Jesus Christ. How amazing that God Himself would put on flesh and walk among us that, "His blessings might flow as far as the curse is found." 

Wherever you are this Christmas Day, we hope that you have a happy day celebrating the great love of God in Christ.