State Of The Union: How Spencer Tracy Diagnoses 2016 America & Shows Us The Way Forward

My wife and I love watching older classic films. A great Friday night for us includes kicking back on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn and turning on a movie from the classics genre.

Roman Holiday, An Affair To Remember, Charade, North By Northwest, Rear Window, Pillow Talk, The Man Who Knew Too Much, The Searchers, The Thrill Of It All, McKlintock!, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The Andy Griffith Show, and I Love Lucy are some of our favorite movies and shows. Each has great writing, wonderful acting and an innocent quality that has been lacking in Hollywood for many years now.

Like Owen Wilson's character in Midnight In Paris, I find myself longing for this golden era of film. What a time to be alive and experience the magic of the movies. When entertainment provided not only a clever tale but did so without so much of the vulgarity and lewdness showcased today.

My wife and I recently enjoyed State Of The Union, staring Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn, for the first time. This 1948 Frank Capra film is funny, cute and timeless.

It's accurate descriptions of politics and life in America might as well have been written in 2016 and reveal the deep levels of cronyism, corruption and moral waywardness found within politics. It opens your eyes to just what Washington, D.C. and power does to a man. It is honest about the human condition, yet provides hope that man's ability to choose the right path can lead to restoration and healing.

Doesn't that sound like a speech any number of politicians could give today? And yet how otherworldly would it seem?

Here is a man on the cusp of winning the Republican nomination for President who finally has a change of conscience and as a result publicly owns up to his failures.

People just don't do that anymore, if they ever really did.

People play it safe, keep their cards close to the vest and rarely if ever take ownership of their mistakes.

Which has me thinking about the degradation of political discourse in this country. How vile, wretched and low have we allowed things to sink? We sadly live in a society where comments about male anatomy, serious shortcomings in character, lies, and a lack of general human decency are not only tolerated but celebrated.

It saddens me to witness the demise of a culture in this way.

 As bad as things may appear, all is not lost. 

All was not lost for Spencer Tracy in State of The Union, and not all is lost with America. On one hand there is a very real sense in which things will continue to get worse until Christ returns, but there is also a very real sense in which nothing and no one is so far gone that redemption is impossible.

America can be redeemed from the mess we have made, but the Donald won't be the one to lead us there. No, that's up to "we the people". America has been great throughout her history because for the most part she has been good, moral and aware of her need for God. Sadly today, few if any of these attributes describe her.

Throughout her history Israel has strayed from God and became no different than her pagan neighbors who did not know God. Rather than remain faithful to God by obeying His commands, and thereby showing the rest of the world what God is like, Israel failed and chose to adopt the moral corruption of their neighbors.

So why do I bring up Israel in the middle of a post seeking to interject some hope into the current political and social context in which we find ourselves?  

There's more to the story of Israel and it has some similarities to our own story. 

Not only did Israel stray from the path to goodness and righteousness to pursue what was right in her own eyes, that's the part that is similar to our story, but Israel was restored. Israel was caught in this almost constant cycle of sin, punishment, repentance, and restoration. 

So what might this look like for us in 2016?

While America is not Israel, many of God's people reside within her borders. Here are a few ways this could play out in each of our lives. 

Draw a circle around yourself

In other words, deal with your own stuff first. Before we can start talking about the problems in Washington, we need to start addressing the problems in our own hearts. If we are honest, there are things going on in each of our hearts that make what's going down in Washington look like child's play. Take stock of your heart. Ask those around you to give you honest, loving feedback. The course and direction of a nation is in large part a collection of the stories of the hearts of her people. 

Vote based on principles and values not emotions

How many of us make good choices when we are angry? If you're anything like me, things don't go well at all when you make decisions while your mad. In fact most of my apologies actually begin by asking forgiveness for what I said or did while angry. Don't let that be the case with how you exercise your right to vote. Stand on your principles instead. Take stock of what you believe and why you believe it. Research candidates and learn where they line up with your values and where they don't. Decide what values on which you are unwilling to compromise and which you are. The sanctity of human life for instance is a nonnegotiable for the faithful follower of Jesus, while issues regarding financial policies, trade deals, and immigration may be in the open hand. You don't impact a culture and the world around you by voting and living life by your emotions. 

Pray your heart out

Prayer is a powerful thing and it can make all the difference in the world. One of the more remarkable aspects of being an American is that we are involved in selecting officials to whom we delegate the powers of governing. These leaders wield the sword on our behalf but just like each of us they aren't capable of doing it all alone. Leading requires a great deal of wisdom and discernment as the stakes are very high and temptations abound. We should be in constant, vigilant prayer for our governing leaders at all levels. They need our prayers for the burden and responsibility of leadership is great. Ask the Lord to grant wisdom, insight, and discernment but also that God would get a hold of their hearts.

Seek the welfare of the land

God has planted us here in this nation, in this very time. You and I are missionaries to the world around us. As a result, we should do normal, everyday things with heavenly aims. Perform your work, lead your family, and love your neighbors in such a way as to make Christ look great. The greatest good you can do for your city is to point as many of her people as possible to the goodness, grace and love of Christ. Therefore ask God to do good and great things in your city. Smile as you pass people on the street. Offer a helping hand every chance you get. Leverage your time, money and energy towards pushing back darkness and injecting light into a world that desperately needs it. 

How To Overcome The Dark Side Of Lists From John Piper

How do you approach your day? 

Do you live and die by your "to do" list, or do you take your day as it comes?  

Boy do I sometimes wish I could take life as it comes. I am just so not that type of person. I am more characterized my the former of the options above, list obsessed. I am so committed to the idea that I take lists and the like to the extreme at times.

While I believe strongly in the power of habits and that accomplishments are by and large a result of the habits we cultivate, there can be a dark side to it all.

What is the dark side of list keeping?

Allowing the list to be the priority and believing that just by keeping the list all your dreams will come true can be an easy trap to fall in. One I've fallen in many times myself.  

Lists are great tools and can help us achieve many good and right things, but shouldn't be our end all. They are incredibly limited in their power and can crush you if you're not careful. 

Thankfully John Piper offers some truly helpful and insightful help to us in this 10 minutes of audio. It is perhaps the single most important 10 minutes of preaching I've ever heard. It is an excerpt from a 2004 sermon entitled, What Is The Will of God and How Do We Know it?, in which he discusses among many things the only way we can live the Christian life. 

Here is one of my absolute favorite paragraphs found near the end of this talk. Tell me this doesn't encourage and challenge you at the same time. 

"I don’t buy and large live my life by lists. You try to live your life by lists, either the lists will be ridiculous in its shortness compared to the 10,000 things you do each day or it will be so long you would die. There is only one way to live the Christian life. Don’t be conformed, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. It is our only hope. Life is too spontaneous. You just can’t live it by lists. You can’t live it even by the 10 Commandments, because 95 percent of the time you are doing stuff without reflecting on whether it breaks any commandment. You are just doing stuff. My biggest challenge is: Piper, be new. Be new. Just get at the core of my being. If there is any stuff, junk, pride, left down there that is just causing the stuff to come out unbidden and unplanned, get at me down here, Lord. That is the only hope, isn’t it? So concluding exhortation. Immerse yourself in God’s Word. Saturate your mind with it. I don’t know another way."

This short clip of audio has had a far greater impact on my life than any other, and I pray that it is just as impactful for you today. We can't afford to live our lives clinging too closely to our lists. We must have transformed minds, it is our only hope. 

Want To Be A Godly Man / Women? Here's A Little Help

I sit down with guys on a regular basis who ask some variant of the same question, "I want to walk faithfully with Christ, but I am not sure where to start. Can you help me?"

While it always takes me back and I am honored to have the opportunity to help point them in the right direction, the truth is none of us are finished products. I remain very much in the trenches, fighting for faith each and every day.

Therefore the best way I know to help and serve others, is to pull back the curtain and share with them how I am seeking to grow and mature in Christ.

Today I would like to do just that with you and share the daily practices and resources that touch and inspire me in this pursuit.

So you want to be a godly man / woman?

Read God's word every day

You can't grow and mature in Christ without being connected to His word. Everything else flows from this daily devotion. The Word is central to your becoming God's man / woman. 2 Timothy 3:16 says that all scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in godliness so that the man of God may be competent and equipped for every good work.   

Not sure where to begin? Here is a post to help you read your bible and get more out of it.   

Memorize God's word

Hiding God's word in your heart is huge and I know of no other way to transform your mind than Bible memorization. One constant you will find among the men and women you seek to emulate most, is that they know God's word. It flows from their lips with ease. That doesn't just happen, you have to work at it.

The Scripture Typer app is one handy little way to memorizing God's word on the go. Whether you're in the line at the grocery store, sitting in the waiting room at the doctor's office, or anywhere else this app can help you.


This is perhaps the simplest aspect of our walk with the Lord, but the one we tend to emphasize the least. This is one we tend to overcomplicate when in reality prayer is just a conversation with God. Not sure where to begin? Share your hurts, fears, anxieties, worries and cares. Ask Him for wisdom and that He develop Christ like character within you. Pray His word.

Here is are some extremely helpful prayer tips from Ben Stuart. 

Lock arms with others who are running in the same direction

No soldier wanders off and goes into battle alone, and you shouldn't either. The Christian life isn't meant to be lived in isolation. In fact, isolation kills. Grab people who are after the same things and run together. There will come a day when things don’t go your way and you'll need encouragement, when hard times come and you'll need support, when you'll stray from the path and you'll need correction. These things come for everyone, and you weren't meant to face them alone.

Here are some best practices for community shared by Jonathan Pokluda. 

Avail yourself to the vast array of resources at your finger tips

We live in a crazy awesome time! It is mind blowing all the resources you have access to. How crazy is it that you can learn, and be encouraged by folks all over the world. Here are a few resources to help you get started:

5 Characteristics Of A Godly Man, and 44 Verses To Help You Become One via Todd Wagner

5 Characteristics Of A Godly Women, and 43 Verses To Help You Become One via Todd Wagner

The Key to Christian Obedience via Ask Pastor John

One of the greatest resources available to is the opportunity to fill your ears with truth through the vast amount of teaching available digitally. Here are a few sermon series and podcasts I encourage you to invest some time in:

A Few Good Men via Todd Wagner

The Carey Neiuwhof Leadership Podcast

Ask Pastor John Podcast

The Role of Men via Matt Chandler  

Stand to Reason podcast

While blog posts and teaching are fantastic and will help you grow tremendously, not much can replace the value of a book in your hand. Here are a few books that have been helpful to me, and would be worth your time: 

Don't be legalistic about it

This sounds incredibly simple and it is, but boy can it be hard to execute on them with regularity. When you miss a day, don't beat yourself up, climb back on the horse and keep riding. None of us will get there overnight, we are playing the long game. Consistency over years is what it takes.

Faithful men and women are not over night successes, they come about over a long period of time. They devote themselves daily to the word of God and prayer, and they run with other others headed in the same direction. Do they still fail? You bet! But one thing they do consistently is forgetting what lies behind and straining towards what is ahead. That is they, ask forgiveness when they fall short, confess it to others and then get right back on the horse running after Jesus. There are no perfect men, but there are plenty of broken men pursuing a perfect Savior.


Lessons About Life From A Sweet New Puppy

After nearly four years of hoping, dreaming and praying my wife and I recently got our first dog, the sweetest little golden retriever puppy named Annie. It has been a little like a roller coaster ride at the Hagaman home lately as our world has been changed for the better.  

Aside from being the sweetest, cutest little puppy I've ever met, Annie has also opened up my world to a thousand new realizations.

It's funny how these types of changes reverberate throughout the rest of your life. Well that has certainly been the case with Annie.

Most of the time she is sweet, cuddly, and all around the most wonderful little fluffy ball of joy imaginable. However there have been times when she hasn’t been near any of those things.

For example, our first couple of nights. She would whine and yelp most of the night. She wasn't used to the new surroundings and understandably felt fear at being left all alone in her new crate.

There have been a few accidents where she either didn't make it outside or didn't even try. You can't take your eye off her. You have to watch her and track her every movement, being ready to scoop her up and run outside at a moments notice. Talk about limiting your productivity and freedom throughout the day!

With things like this swirling around I find a number of things running through my mind almost daily.

Why can't she get it right?

Doesn't she know she is supposed to go outside?

Doesn't she understand that she is loved, cared for and safe? 

It all boils down to the expectation that a 6 week old puppy would act, think, behave and live as a fully mature and well trained dog.

And that convicts me.

How often do I think, act, behave and live as a mature and well trained follower of Christ? How often must the Lord look at my life, emotions, attitudes and thoughts and conclude that I just don't get it.

Don't I know that He loves me, cares for me, and has me in the palm of His mighty hands? In light of this, what business do I have with fear and doubt?

Am I not aware of how God has called me to conduct myself?

How deeply must my inability to get it right be frustrating to Him? 

Thankfully, God has a nature, character and love deeper, wider and greater than mine in every respect. Where I may be frustrated with the difficulties a little puppy brings into my life, He is not frustrated with the mess I create on a daily basis in my relationships, work and life. No, He loves and cares for me just as a loving father would. Because He is the ultimate loving father.

While He loves me enough to forgive my sin and meet me right where I am, He also loves me enough not to leave me there. He enables me to grow and take ground so that I come to resemble His Son more and more over the days, weeks and years.

He shows me remarkable grace. That my sin is not counted against me is the greatest news I've ever heard. I am so thankful that God is a gracious, loving father who has made provision for my sin and called me into His family.

Reflecting on these simple truths about God over the last few days has been so very convicting, not just in how I think about our little Annie, but in how I approach life in general. I desire to extend grace to people like crazy, to be generous and lavish in my praise and to love people enough to gently and lovingly call them to grow in Christlikeness.

I don't know about you but I have some serious ground to take and I am serious about taking it.

Here are four quick ways we can take ground this week:

1. Invest time in God's word. Get God's word into your heart and mind. Fill your thoughts with the words of scripture. I use the word invest strategically here, because this takes time. We aren't going to memorize the bible this week. However, we can increase our knowledge, understanding and memorization of God's word over time. As we consistently put in the time, we will see a return in not just our minds but in our lives as well.

2. Surround yourself with good people. Truthfully, I don't always like this one. Community is hard, messy and difficult, but it is 100% worth it. Even if you don't like the people they will have a tremendously positive impact on your life. They will be there to bounce ideas off of, but more importantly they will be there to help you take stock of your heart and your life for the purpose of growing in Christlikeness.

3. Pray specifically for the lord to help you mature in Christ, specifically related to those areas that are especially hard, difficult and trying right now. Rarely have I seen my prayers change someone else's heart, attitude or behavior, but I have definitely seen it transform mine. It is quite difficult to dislike and mistreat those you are consistently praying for.    

4. Serve. Jump in the game and start giving of yourself. When you begin to serve and care for others you begin love them. Throughout life, you'll often find that emotions follow actions. 

Quick, I Need More Time Stat!

We are almost to the weekend and if you are anything like me, you're looking at your "to do" list and feeling like you just don't have enough time in the day. Can I get an amen on that one? Someone needs to invent a time machine, like yesterday!!

You might have missed it while your nose was to grind stone but someone finally figured it out for us and it could change everything about how we get things done.

It's called an alarm clock.

Before you get mad and leave, which can be oh so tempting when someone shares news you don't want to hear, hear me out. I promise it'll be worth it. Hey if its not, you can delete this tab. So win, win?

Think about it, what is one sure fire way to create more time in your schedule to get things done? If you said, getting up earlier you're exactly right.

We all know this, but how many of us take action on it?

We love our sleep like a fat kid loves sugar donuts and the thought of sacrificing any of it is painful. Most of that pain however comes from regret. The regret that comes from knowing that if we got up earlier we could change our lives.

I'm not going to waste your time making a case for why we all could benefit from getting up earlier. I'm just going to assume you agree with me and want to make some changes to your life. Isn't that why you’re here? 

So you want to get up earlier? Today I've got one ultra simple way for you to add one hour to your day in just one week with minimal suffering. We've all tried, and failed, to get up earlier through the years. We do really good for a few days, ok maybe we do good for like 2 days and give up, but for whatever reason we can't make the change.

So how do you make it stick this time?

Set multiple alarms on your smart phone.  

The introduction of technology into our lives has many benefits, especially in helping us create habits. No other device has been more impactful on us than the "smart" phone, specifically the iPhone. That little device in your pocket has enormous power and potential to help you change your life.

Sit down for one minute and set five alarms for the upcoming week, one for each day. Each day you will set the alarm for 15 mins earlier than the day before. You'll hardly notice getting up 15 mins earlier.

Your alarms should look like this:

Now that your all set. Don't give it another thought until next Friday when you set your alarms for the following week. If you want to keep rolling back the clock feel free to do so, or you can simply enjoy having an extra hour each day next week.