4 Books I'm Excited To Read In 2017

“Books,” John Piper says, “don’t change people, paragraphs do — sometimes sentences.” The more books I read, the more convinced I am that Piper is onto something. I’ll grant that particular paragraphs and sentences have the immensity of their impact because of the ideas and context the rest of the book provides, but it’s the individual sentence or thought that sticks with you. After spending hours with a book, you walk away with five to ten great thoughts or quotes that serve as a summation of all you learned.

Such is the power of a good book. It stays with you. It bounces around inside your head, just waiting for the right moment. Then all at once it comes running to your rescue. What’s most exhilarating is that when you crack the spine on a new book, you have no idea how it’s going to shape you or what nuggets of gold you’ll be leaving with. That excites me, and I hope it excites you. It’s early January which means I’m putting the finishing touches on my 2017 reading list. It’s never too early to start thinking about what you’ll read this year. Here are four I’m looking forward to having shape me over the next twelve months:  

This one was near the top of my list for books I was most excited to read in 2016. Needless to say, I didn’t get to it. My wife and I walked through a miscarriage not long after I wrote a similar version of this post last year. So this book remained on the shelf all year long. Now that my wife and I are entering the third trimester of her pregnancy, I am growing more and more excited to pick this one up. My hope this year as it was last, is that this book will become a resource that helps me be the godly parent I so desperately want to be.

Night School
By Lee Child

A little over a year ago, Jack Reacher brought me back to the fiction reading world. Night School is the next in the long line of Reacher books written by Lee Child. This one  is on my list for the pure joy of it all. If you’re unfamiliar with the Jack Reacher series, check out Killing Floor by Lee Child. If you like rooting for a good guy who’s bigger, stronger, and smarter than the bad guys, you’ll love Reacher.

The most compelling argument I know for the Christian worldview is the way the world actually is. In searching for truth, we have to go where the evidence leads, and I believe Christianity most closely reflects the world in which we live. In his newest book, Greg makes this argument and I can’t wait to read it.

Last summer, I listened to an interview with Doug Wilson on the Home Row Podcast. It was so fantastic I listened to it at least three times. Reading and writing are two of my twin passions. Anything that can help me improve at either or both, is a must read. Of all the books on writing I’m planning to read in 2017, this is the one I am most looking forward to. 

What are you most looking forward to in 2017?

It’s a brand new year. The lights and excitement of the Christmas season linger in the air, and everyone is enthralled with the excitement a new year brings. Most of us are beyond ready to turn the page on a new year. Just about everyone I talk to has the same word to describe 2016, hard. It was a year smeared with the most tumultuous and interesting presidential election any of us has seen in our lifetimes, and we all feel relatively dirty as a result.

2016 was also a year of immense personal hardships. Friends and family alike have shared stories of loss, pain and disappointment that are too numerous to count. My wife and I are no different. Family members were in and out of the hospital, loved ones passed away, and searing loss darkened our door in the form of a miscarriage. It was simply a difficult year.

We walked through the lowest of lows and lived to tell the tale because of the Lord’s faithfulness. He showed up and showed off in so many ways the last twelve months. The Lord’s goodness, faithfulness and the hope we have in Him have us chomping at the bit to see what 2017 has up its sleeve.

There are so many things to look forward to, but chief among them is seeing the birth of our first baby boy. It’s still sinking in but in a few short months my whole world will change in an instant as I look into the eyes and hold the little guy for the first time. I can’t wait. Who will he look like? What color eyes will he have? What about his hair? What will he enjoy? Who will he become? While some of these questions won’t be answered in 2017, the road to discovering what the Lord is up to in not just Hudson’s life but ours begins in a few short months.

I’ve shared what has me most excited about next year, now it’s your turn. What are you most looking forward to in 2017?

Bible Reading Plans for 2017

As we start a new year, it’s time to begin planning and deciding all manner of things. You’re setting goals, deciding where you’ll go, what you’ll read and the personal projects you’d like to work on. At least those are the things I’m in the middle of deciding. Amidst all these decisions, sits the most important one of all—how will I spend time in God’s word each day?

“I am the vine;” Jesus said, “you are the branches. Whoever abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” This verse is one of the most quoted verses of scripture. In fact, it’s one you need to memorize. There are countless occasions when it comes in handy. Chief among them is your need to be reminded of how important it is to remain connected to Jesus. We can’t do anything apart from Him.

One of the most important steps to abiding with Christ, is to be in His word daily. You know this, and so do I, yet far too often we fall down on the job. Often this happens because we lack a plan. Here are a handful of ways you can avoid this pitfall and read God’s word this year.   

The Bible Project - This may be the most intriguing bible reading plan I’ve seen. Not only does this plan get you to reading God’s word, but includes videos to help you grasp it as well.  

Join The Journey - The Journey is an excellent way to ensure you’re in God’s word every weekday. Every morning you’ll receive an email containing scripture to read and a companion devotional. The Journey walked through the gospels this past year and will be reading through the Psalms and Proverbs in 2017.  

ESV Bible Plans - ESV offers twelve reading plans in a variety of formats. They also produce a podcast, that will allow you to listen to the Bible.  

Bible.com - Bible.com, is an immensly helpful resource, including a great Bible app. They offer a wide range of reading plans, but you’ll need to use their website or app to access them.

Ligonier Bible Plans - Ligonier offers a thorough collection of Bible reading plans, that has something for everyone.

The Change Your Mind Plan - This is an awesome idea and exactly what it sounds like. This super easy plan has four steps: (1) Pick a book of the Bible, (2) Read it all the way through, (3) Repeat step #2 twenty two times, (4) Repeat for all books of the Bible.  

I will be reading Join The Journey as my daily Bible intake this year. I did this last year, as we read through the gospels at a nice slow pace. It offered time for me to spend a year sitting in the story of Christ, and reflecting on just how remarkable it is. I look forward to seeing what the Lord does as I trek through the Psalms & Proverbs this year.  

Regardless of the plan you choose, the important thing is that you spending time in God’s word. I pray that the Lord moves greatly in your life this year as you spend time with in His word.

What is your plan for reading God’s word this year?


Welcome To 2017!

Happy New Year!

I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to 2017 with excitement and eagerness. I can’t wait to see what it holds and all the Lord does.

Over the next several weeks, I’ll be sharing what has me excited about the new year, books I can’t wait to read, a little about goals, and even some advice for new and aspiring photographers. In the meantime, I’ve compiled a few posts that I hope will help you take some big steps forward this year.  

Tim Challies 2017 Christian Reading Challenge - This first caught my attention last year, and I enjoyed following along as Tim published updates throughout 2016. “Whether you are a light reader or completely obsessed, this 2017 Christian Reading Challenge is designed to help you read more and to broaden the scope of your reading.” Regardless of which camp you fall into, this challenge is a pretty awesome idea.

Do More Better Course - I took a course similar to this last year as Tim was publishing his book. This year Tim has made it even better by teaming up with the good folks at Ligonier. If you're looking to grow and improve at getting stuff done and living a life doing more good for the glory of God, this course and Tim's book by the same name, are game changers. 

Want To Be A Godly Man / Women? Here’s A Little Help - I wrote this post in answer to the question, how do I become a godly man? What I share here, is just as applicable for my female readers as it is the men and I pray that it helps you take giant leaps forward in your walk with the Lord this year.

10 Principles For Personal Productivity - We all desire to accomplish more this year, than ever before. In this short clip, John Piper shares ten principles that help him focus on the right things and get them done. “You don’t labor,” Piper says, “to get into a right relationship with God. You labor with all your might because you are in Christ.” May we keep this at the forefront of our minds this new year and as we strive to get things done.

I turned thirty this past year and took some time to reflect upon all the experiences, books and people who have shaped my journey. If you’re reaching a milestone this year or simply interested in what I learned by taking a look into my past, the links are below.

Turning 30: Three Men Who’ve Had A Profound Influence - People rub off on us every day. Some say we are the average of those we spend the most time with. I’m not sure exactly how the math works, but those we hang around impart something of themselves to us. In this post, I share how three men have impacted my life and what qualities they’ve had in common.

Turning 30: The Most Impactful Books I’ve Read - I’ve read hundreds of books over the years, yet the list of books that have truly moved the needle for me, is short. For a book to have this deep impact, so many things have to line up just right. In this post, I share which ones have had the most lasting impact on my life and some thoughts about why. These aren’t my favorite books, but simply those that have changed the path and direction of my thinking.

Turning 30: Impactful Experiences - Things happen. That’s just part of life, but often those things change you. No matter how dark or painful they may be, they make you into the person you become. In this post, I open up and share three of the most important experiences of my life.

Turning 30: Mentors From A Distance - Not every person who plays an important role in your life is someone you know personally. Their impact however, is no less meaningful than that of the people around you. In this post, I share how four men I’ve never met, shape me daily.

I’m praying that you have a remarkable 2017!

Happy New Year!


Christmas 2016

Merry Christmas! It is my sincere hope that you have a marvelous Christmas weekend celebrating the birth of Christ with family and friends. As I was looking through notes and searching for some nugget of truth to share with you today, I came across the beautifully written prayer from Robert Louis Stevenson below. May your heart be encouraged with these words. 

"O God our loving Father, help us rightly to remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and the worship of the wise men.  May Christmas morning make us happy to be Thy children and Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus’ sake, amen."