Do the right thing.
At all times and in all places.
It is the safest path you can walk. It provides the warm coat you need on a cold, rainy day.
It allows you to live without fear or concern because you know you haven’t done anything wrong.
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You need to go to war with complaining. You must battle and defeat it every day, because failing to take it on will spell your doom.
When you turn your guns and face down complaining, you’ll be facing down the voice that whispers and sometimes screams inside your head. What that voice says is crucial to your life. Better said, what you do with what that voice tells you is all the matters.
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I celebrated my thirty-third birthday last Tuesday. Most birthdays merely mark the turning of another page, another circle around the sun. They tend to pass without little notice or impact.
Birthdays, like other markers of time anniversaries, and holidays, provide great opportunities to pause and reflect. A chance to think about things. A chance to look at what’s going well, and where course corrections are needed.
The first six months of 2019 have been filled with great reading. Several of this year’s early reads are some of my new favorites. Among new favorites is James Clear’s Atomic Habits. It’s a joy to read, and helps you use habits to build a better future.
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While longevity is nice, significance is more desirable. You possess a deep-seated desire to make a difference. You do not dream of a meaningless life. No, you want it to count.
You constantly struggle to grow and improve for this same reason. You want a life well lived. You want to be sanctified every moment of every day. You want to peak at death and not a moment before.
What follows is a collection of my efforts to grow this month. June introduced me to some amazing books, podcasts and interviews. I hope these resources are helpful and brighten your day. If you enjoy it, pass it along.
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The problem of suffering is one of the big questions all must wrestle with in the passage of their lives. It is part of the shared human experience of which all are familiar.
While you won’t find the definitive answer to the question here, what follows is hopefully a refreshing perspective on what these things produce.
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