Receive Without Pride

You will experience many highs and lows during your time on this earth. You will win battles and lose others. You will receive honors and accolades, as well as rebuke and rejection. You will pass through all points on the spectrum as you swing from one end to the other.

What are you to do as you climb the trail from mountain top to valley and back again?

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What Eric Metaxas Says About Manhood

Seven Men: And The Secret Of Their Greatness by Eric Metaxas is a fantastic read. I shared a quick blurb about this book with you July’s Monthly Mash Up. I failed to make mention of the fine points Metaxas makes regarding masculinity in my writing of that post. I hope to rectify this this oversight here.

Today’s culture is devoid of strong male role models. Worse still, our culture has become hostile to the idea. It is to this spirit of the age Metaxas pens his introduction. Consequently, it presents important comments regarding manhood. Thoughts worth reflecting upon.

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The Daily Gift

The Stoics nailed it in many areas and yet missed it in a number of others. Above is an example of barely missing the truth. In these words, Marcus Aurelius is within inches of the truth. Regardless, these words remain helpful.

Aurelius is pointing you to the truth that you were created for a purpose, a purpose higher than the other creatures you share planet Earth with. It isn’t that you have to get up and go to work, you get to. Mankind is the only creature on this planet to wake each morning with purpose and direction. You get that tremendous gift each and every day.

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Be Grateful

Be grateful for all the people who have helped you along the way. Never allow arrogance to creep in and trick you with the notion that you’re capable of going it alone. You’re not. No one is.

We all need the kindness, wisdom, and helping hand of another. This is especially true when daring to do big things, like build a business.

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