Some thoughts and ideas get you fired up. They capture your heart and mind in a new and different way. They fill your sails and make you believe you can do anything. In short, they give you motivation.
I’m not talking about the silly motivation people post about on social media, but a different and more valuable type. The type of motivation that creates deep-seated and lasting change. The kind that doesn’t create a burst of energy that soon fades, but that generates action day after day. This motivation isn’t about getting you hyped up, or emotional. It’s about shifting how you see and respond to the world. It’s about changing how you think.
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This has and will remain the case for all time. Seldom, if ever, does magic strike and bestow upon the lucky the victory they seek minus the work required.
But that’s exactly what everyone wants, results without perspiration. No one naturally longs for the pain staking and difficult work that accompanies achievement.
We want things to come easy. We dream of things falling into our laps. We want our latent talent to carry us through.
Instead everything waits on the other side of hard work.
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Of the date I am not certain, but at one point or another the writings and, more importantly, the ideas of Martin Luther captured my heart and mind. So, life giving and earth shattering they are as to turn the world upside down these last five hundred years. Their attack and effect are much the same on the heart and life of this humble pilgrim.
Every October 31st children and their parents wonder the streets in costume hands out for delicious treats. This day and its adventurous evening are known the world over as Halloween, or All Hollow’s Eve. I can remember celebrating this night myself as a child. The one costume I can remember donning is that of a Marine. Weeks prior to this annual street romping my mother and I traveled to the local Army Navy Store to pick up the goods necessary to appear as close to the genuine article as possible. The camouflage suit I would slip on not only for the trip door to door begging for candy I wouldn’t eat, but again and again playing soldier with others.
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At the close of each month, I share a few of the resources helping me grow. Why do I do this? One reason I do it is that I want to do all I can to help you become the best you can be. Perhaps something I write will encourage and fuel you when things get tough, but nothing I share on this blog will help you like the books and resources in this monthly posts. They give you the wisdom and knowledge to navigate life well.
“What you study,” Richard Foster said, “determines what kind of habits are to be formed.” I hope the books and resources I share in these posts help you develop good habits. Habits that carry you through to new and greater heights.
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Everyone wants to do well. It’s human nature. You would be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t at the end of the day desire success.
Regardless of how one defines it, success is the goal of almost every human being on the planet. And that’s not a bad thing. Problems only arise with the chosen means of its pursuit.
Some means are noble, and others not. It is in choosing the former to concern yourself with. Ignoble means may bring temporary gains, but their steam soon runs out. They will only carry one so far.
Their temptation arises from the difficulty found in pursuing worthwhile goals. Goals that rest at the end of a long, difficult road. A road requiring daily commitment, action, and most of all discipline.
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