Everyone wants to do well. It’s human nature. You would be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t at the end of the day desire success.
Regardless of how one defines it, success is the goal of almost every human being on the planet. And that’s not a bad thing. Problems only arise with the chosen means of its pursuit.
Some means are noble, and others not. It is in choosing the former to concern yourself with. Ignoble means may bring temporary gains, but their steam soon runs out. They will only carry one so far.
Their temptation arises from the difficulty found in pursuing worthwhile goals. Goals that rest at the end of a long, difficult road. A road requiring daily commitment, action, and most of all discipline.
It’s during this long slog to the top, another temptation springs forth to thwart your efforts. A temptation that creeps up from behind and ends up sucking the air from your sails. It is the call to throw in the towel.
Giving up in the middle of the journey is a real and present danger. It litters the path to victory much like landmines litter a battlefield. You never quite know when this sneaky temptation will bare its teeth.
The noble response to doubt and wanting to quit is grit. A settled determination to stay the course and grind until the battle is won. The battle is long and the field riddled with obstacles, but victory secured made sweater by their presence.
“Difficulties show a person’s character. So when a challenge confronts you, remember that God is matching you with a younger sparring partner, as would a physical trainer. Why? Becoming an Olympian takes sweat! I think no one has a better challenge than yours if only you would use it like an athlete would that younger sparring partner.” –Epictetus
The difficulties you dread are your friends. They form you into the person you’ll need to be to crest the hill and plant your flag in triumph. You won’t gain the opportunity to plant your flag unless you summon the strength and grit required to remain in the fight not only when the going gets tough, but when giving in sounds like the reasonable choice.