Chasing Dreams Part Two

What happens when we head the inward call?

In obeying adventure’s beckoning, you find the mind and heart sing as one. They focus and move in unison. Your mind becomes sharp, and productive beyond measure. Things that once presented difficulty you complete with ease.

The moment you run out the door it feels as if heavy weights fall from your shoulders. You feel lighter, happier, and filled with a great sense of belonging.

There are moments in life when it seems the dark and foreboding clouds above part allowing the sun to shine. Comforting calm envelopes you and all appears right with the world. Those moments speak to the deepest parts of your heart and fill you with a feeling of being exactly where you belong.

If ignoring your calling plagues you as you crest life’s hill, pursuing them does the opposite. Instead of transforming into accusations of abandoned dreams, they become your greatest cheerleaders. They spur you on and remind you of who you are.

There is little reason for you to shy away from pursuing dreams. Even if you fall short of your desires, your heart fills as a sail with the wind. The benefits far outweigh the drawbacks.

Life, in turn, happens to concern itself far more with the journey than the destination. All the positives in life come while traveling, more importantly, they come amid the suffering along the road. Embrace it instead of shying away. All you truly want is waiting on the other side.