Weekly Dose

Good morning!

Here are a few links, thoughts, and resources that have appeared in my "Weekly Dose" email newsletter this past month, which is free and goes out each Friday. Take a look around and let me know what you think.

Book I've been reading: How To Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie

This book has been recommended to me more times than I can count and has sat on my reading list for years. Now that I'm a few chapters in, I wish I'd picked it up sooner. It is a real treasure trove of helpful and insightful information on building relationships, and who among us couldn't benefit from improved relationships?

Quote I'm pondering: "Discipline is rarely enjoyable but always profitable." - Darin Patrick

I heard this quote on an episode of 5 Leadership Questions this past week and it has served as a great reminder of the value of discipline. Time and again the things that have helped me grow the most have come via taking the hard road. What seems unpleasant at the time often turns out to be the most beneficial. 

Habit I'm cultivating: Over the last couple of weeks I have been working to develop the habit of journaling daily. In the process I have found it to help me notice patterns in my life, process how I am feeling as well as clear my mind. The benefits have been tremendous and I look forward to seeing where it leads. 

Post I'm digging: 5 Signs Your Character is Slowly Imploding via Carey Nieuwhof
This article from Carey has been eating my lunch all week. I keep coming back to it and thinking over it day by day because I see myself in far too many of his warnings. If I am honest with myself, there are so many areas in my life that I'm failing and need to grow.

Podcast on repeat: 5 Leadership Questions - John Maxwell
I've listened to this podcast at least 10 times since it's release on October 6th and I still can't get enough. Grab your favorite drink, a pen & paper because your going to want to write down the wisdom flowing through your headphones on this one. Give it a listen and then listen again, and again. 

Would you like to get this quick email from me every Friday?

It might include books, quotes, articles, interviews, and other resources that are rocking my world each week.

These "Weekly Dose" emails are only available if you subscribe to my email newsletter. They will not appear on the blog or anywhere else. This post is simply my way of inviting you to join in on the fun!

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